In 2016 we set out to take our passion for FPS/MMO gaming to the app stores by creating a match-making platform to help you find like-minded gamers to complete end-game content inside the games Overwatch, Destiny, and League of Legends for PS4, XBox, and PC. Our iOS and Android apps allow you to browse in-game events to join for all PvE and PvP matches. If you don’t find what you’re looking for you can create your own event for people to join. Event creation allows you to specify rank, match type, and the number of people you need. Our event specific chat rooms allow you to get to know your team before entering a party to talk strategy, wants and needs. In less than a year we were able acquire just under 100k users across three games and are currently in the pitch process for additional funding.
Co-Founder/Product Designer
Co-Founder/Product Designer